Shrikant's Test of True love

                   Shrikant's Test of True love 

    A boy named Shrikant sat beside the calm and serene flow of the River Reva, where the very essence of his being flowed along with the river.
   Back then, Shrikant and Varaa shared an inseparable bond. They shared everything, from secrets to dreams. But one day, a tiny misunderstanding grew into a big problem. Shrikant said, "A small misunderstanding ruined the once fruitful relationship, and on that day, this minor miscommunication between Varaa and me ended our seven-year relationship in just a minute.”           

  It all began in the city of Narmada. In this city of spirituality, a clever and handsome boy named Shrikant was born into a Brahmin family, resembling the beauty of the god Vishnu.

Since childhood, Shrikant has been very clever and adept in all types of skills. As time passed, Shrikant grew as an adult and for future studies, he moved to Bhavnagar.

 Shrikant comes from a city of spirituality and divine places. For Shrikant, it's hard to settle in the fast and furious life of Bhavnagar, but he settled well. He rented a flat near the college. One of Shrikant's best friends, Raghav, also came with him.

  One day, Shrikant and Raghav sat in the library. On that day, Shrikant saw Varaa for the first time.

      Varaa, the beautiful girl in the green salwar suit with open black hair and blackish eyes, caught Shrikant's attention. After seeing Vara, Shrikant momentarily fainted at the sound of her sweet voice. Since that day, Shrikant has been coming to the library every day just to catch a glimpse of Vara. He fell in love with her, and this fact was also known to Raghav and the librarian, Krishna.

One day,

Hello, Krishna sir," Shrikant greeted . "Could you please help me find a book? If you have the time.”

Krishna's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he considered his response. He typed out, "Sorry, I'm quite busy at the moment. I don't have spare time to find your book.”

(Varaa approaches from behind, near Shrikant)

Krishna sir," Varaa began, "I can't keep coming to the library every day for the same book.”

(The book Shrikant wants is also one that Varaa wants to purchase from the library. Unable to contain his feelings, Shrikant asks Vara)

Shrikant glanced at her, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Do you also want this book, the one I want?"

Varaa's smile was gentle, her eyes holding a touch of surprise. "Yes," she admitted softly, "I want this book too."

As they exchanged knowing glances, Varaa couldn't help but acknowledge the real reason behind Shrikant's frequent visits to the library. He wasn't just seeking a book; he was seeking her presence. And she couldn't deny the warmth it brought to her heart.

    Since that day, Shrikant and Vara have been friends, not just friends but best friends. Day by day, they spend much time together. After some time, Shrikant and Vara became emotionally attached to each other. This emotional attachment has cultivated love in the hearts of both Shrikant and Vara.


   The truth of life is that the hardest situation arises when the friendship between two individuals evolves into love because this transition breaks the bond of best friendship and the individuals involved.

   (And that brokenness also comes in the 7 years relationship of Varaa and Shrikant.)

  In love, not only are two persons connected, but also their feelings, loyalty, trust, and understanding. All these elements come together and connect the two lovebirds. When only one aspect of these falls and weakens in the relationship, it can ruin the fertile relationship in a minute. This is also evident in the lives of Shrikant and Vara.

  And so it was, the day of Shrikant's birthday, the fateful day in Shrikant and Varaa's life.

On Shrikant's birthday, Varaa wanted to surprise him, so she arrived at his house in the morning without informing him.

(Doorbell rings, Raghav opens the door)

 "Hey, Varaa, why are you standing out here? Come inside the house," he said, his voice carrying concern.

Varaa glanced around, her eyes searching, and asked softly, "Where is Shrikant?"

Raghav's face softened as he explained, "Today is his birthday, so he went to the temple to pray for your good life.”

Varaa nodded and followed Raghav inside. She settled on Shrikant's bed, her thoughts wandering. Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of something hidden under the cushion. With a curious heart, she reached for it and unfolded the letter, realizing it was sent by Shrikant's father two years earlier.

The words in that letter painted a different picture, one that shattered the seven-year relationship and the blessed life of Varaa and Shrikant.

As Shrikant returned from the temple, he found Varaa sitting on his bed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Varaa, why are you crying?" Shrikant's voice was gentle as he sat beside her, concern etched on his face.

Through sobs, Varaa managed to speak, "If you wanted to do this to me, why did you play with my feelings for the last two years?"

Shrikant's eyes widened in confusion, "I'm playing with you? Varaa, tell me what you want to say."

With trembling hands, Varaa handed him the letter, her heart heavy with hurt and betrayal.

"This, Shrikant, this," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Shrikant's brows furrowed as he read the contents of the letter. "Varaa, don't misunderstand. What's written in the letter isn't true," he pleaded.

Anger flashed in Varaa's eyes, "If what's written in the letter isn't true, then why didn't you inform me about it?"

Shrikant reached out to her, desperation evident in his voice, "Varaa, please understand. There must be a reason why I didn't tell you."

  But Varaa's heart was shattered into a million pieces. "I don't want to understand anything. Shrikant, I blindly trusted you, I gave you everything, and for the past two years, you've been playing with me!" she cried out, her voice echoing in the room.

Tears streamed down Shrikant's face as he watched Varaa retreat to the balcony, her pain palpable in the evening breeze.

  "Please, Varaa, just listen to me once, understand me," he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper.

  But Varaa's heart was too broken to hear his words. "Shrikant, I loved you more than myself, but you..." her voice trailed off, lost in a sea of hurt and betrayal.

  "Love you Shrikant and misss you so much"

At that moment, Varaa jumped from the balcony and fell from the 10th floor of the building to the ground.

Shrikant shouted loudly, "Varaa!"

Shrikant ran towards the balcony to save Varaa, but he failed to rescue their love. He watched Varaa hit the hard surface and immediately start bleeding from her head. Shrikant and Raghav hurried downstairs. Shrikant sat beside Varaa, cradling her head in his lap, and cried bitterly.

Shrikant said, "Why, Varaa? Why? Just listen to me once, please, Varaa, listen."

But it was too late. To hear Shrikant's truth now. Varaa was no longer alive. Her breathing and the heart where Shrikant resides had both stopped.    

                The truth of the life

  Is that any relationship or relations which are built take much time to construct, but they can end in a minute due to a small misunderstanding.


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