Review on the 'Age of Transition '

  The age of Transition  

 Q.1 Why is it called the Age of Transition?

In this age Transition comes from to Renaissance to Enlightenment. The period marks the transition from the Renaissance ideals of humanism, individualism, and the revival of classical learning to the Enlightenment's focus on reason, empirical inquiry, and scientific progress, for that's why this age Mareked as Translation age.

 Q.2What is the historical background of the Age of Transition.

    This age connected with the 3 major historical event.

  1.Decline of the Party Feud.

  2.Commercial and Imperial Expansion.

  3.The French Revolution.

  Those are the major historical event. The main party whing collapse after 30 years and tory comes ones again in power.when the new territories brought new burdens,like that of the American revolt, the clash of ideals led to fresh literary effort, as can easily be seen in the work of Burke.The French Revolution. Long before it burst, the storm of the Revolution was, in the words of Burke, blackening the horizon.

Q.3 What are the major characteristics of the age of transition? Explain it with examples.

   Here's in 'The Age of Transition', 7 main characteristics. Here those 7 characteristics describe with the examples.

    1. The Double Tendency.                                           -  Example :- The allegiance to the old order of classicism and second one is search after the new order of Romanticism those two moments are seen in this age that's why one of the characteristics of the age is double tendency.

    2. The New Romanticism.                                         - Example :- Romantic themes in such poems as The Lay of the Last Minstrel,The Ancient Mariner.

    3. The New Learning.                                                  - Example :- Bishop Percy's Reliaues (1765), which contained some of the oldest and most beautiful specimens of ballad-literature, is a landmark in the history of the Romantic movement.

    4. The New Philosophy.                                         --    - Example :- The new spirit actually assisted the Romantic ideal by demolishing and clearing away heaps of the ancient mental lumber, and so leaving the ground clear for new and fresher creations.

   5. The Growth of Historical Research.                     - Example :- The historical school had a glorious leader in Gibbon, who was nearly as much at home in the French language as he was in English.

   6. The New Realism.                                                   - Example :- In the widest sense of the word, however, the novelists were Romanticists, for in sympathy and freshness of treatment they were followers of the new ideal.

    7. The Decline of Political Writing.                          - Example :-  Later in the century,when the political temperature once again approached boiling-point, pamphlets began again to acquire an importance, which rose to a climax in the works of Junius and Burke.

 Q.4 Major poets and Writers of this age.


1. SAMUEL JOHNSON. (1709-84).                                   - The Life of Samuel Johnson.                                     - London (1738).                                                             - The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749).                     


  1. JAMES THOMSON (1700-48).                                      - The Seasons (1730).                                                    - Liberty (1735-36).

  2.OLIVER GOLDSMITH (1728-74).                                  - The Traveller (1764).                                                  - The Deserted Village (1770).                                      - The Good-natur'd Man (1768).                                  - The Citizen of the World (1759).                              - The Vicar of Wakefield (1766).                                                                        


    1. Thomas Gray (1716-71).                                                - Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1747).                                                                                      - Country Churchyard (1751).                                      

    2. William Collins (1721-59).                                            -  Persian Eclogues (1742).                                        

    3. William Cowper((1731-1800).                                       - Bar (1754).                                                                     - Olney Hymns (1779).                                                  

                     THE NEW SCHOOL

      1. ROBERT BURNS (1759-96).                                             - Volume of poems (1786).                                           - The Scots Musical Museum.                                       - Tam o' Shanter.

      2. WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827)                                     - Political sketches (1783).                                             - The book of Thel (1790).                                             - The French Revolution (1791).

                     THE NOVELISTS

       1. SAMUEL RICHARDSON (1689-1761).                          - Pamela / Virtue Rewarded (first English novel) 1740.                                                                                 - Clarissa Harlow (1747-48).                                         - Charles Grandison (1753-54).


         =  Conclusion

      In a conclusion this age is very interesting age of English literature and their other aspects.we all are thankful to Vipul sir who teach us very nicely without any acception. Tx Vipul Sir.



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