
"Lord of the Flies"

            Thinking Activity  ""Lord of the Flies" is a novel written by William Golding. It is included in our syllabus, and we are studying it thoroughly in our class. Based on this, we have a thinking activity that contains four questions, along with their answers provided below.                     Question-Answer 1. What are your views on the idea of freedom? - Ralph sees freedom as something that works best with rules and teamwork. He believes that true freedom comes with responsibility and working together for everyone's benefit. This contrasts with Jack, who views freedom as doing whatever one wants without any limitations.   - Ralph's idea of freedom is completely opposed by Jack and his followers, which reflects the different interpretations of freedom in today's society. 2. Does freedom make a person an anarchist? - Yes, freedom can make people anarchists, but it also depends on how individuals use that freedom. If a person does not understand the

Shrikant's Test of True love

                    Shrikant's Test of True love       A boy named Shrikant sat beside the calm and serene flow of the River Reva, where the very essence of his being flowed along with the river.      Back then, Shrikant and Varaa shared an inseparable bond. They shared everything, from secrets to dreams. But one day, a tiny misunderstanding grew into a big problem. Shrikant said, "A small misunderstanding ruined the once fruitful relationship, and on that day, this minor miscommunication between Varaa and me ended our seven-year relationship in just a minute.”               It all began in the city of Narmada. In this city of spirituality, a clever and handsome boy named Shrikant was born into a Brahmin family, resembling the beauty of the god Vishnu. Since childhood, Shrikant has been very clever and adept in all types of skills. As time passed, Shrikant grew as an adult and for future studies, he moved to Bhavnagar.  Shrikant comes from a city of spirituality and divine

Review on the 'Age of Transition '

  The age of Transition    Q.1 Why is it called the Age of Transition? In this age Transition comes from to Renaissance to Enlightenment. The period marks the transition from the Renaissance ideals of humanism, individualism, and the revival of classical learning to the Enlightenment's focus on reason, empirical inquiry, and scientific progress, for that's why this age Mareked as Translation age.  Q.2What is the historical background of the Age of Transition.     This age connected with the 3 major historical event.   1.Decline of the Party Feud.   2.Commercial and Imperial Expansion.   3.The French Revolution.   Those are the major historical event. The main party whing collapse after 30 years and tory comes ones again in power.when the new territories brought new burdens,like that of the American revolt, the clash of ideals led to fresh literary effort, as can easily be seen in the work of Burke.The French Revolution. Long before it burst, the storm of the Revolution was, in